Tag: redes sociales


(Español) Infomeik participará en el evento Interflora junto a Infertosa este octubre

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(Español) Cómo usar WhatsApp en Instagram para conseguir más ventas

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(Español) ¿Youtube o Twitch?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.


5 tips for managing criticism and negative comments on social media

  There are very few companies that do not have a presence in social networks, and you have to know how to manage well the communication between the company and the customers, whether positive or negative. Today we are going to give you some tips so that you know how to manage those negative comments, which many times you do

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What is the difference between followers and fans on Facebook?

In this post, we will explain what the difference between the two is and what is better for brands. Facebook fans When a Facebook user is interested in the brand or the content of a Fan Page, they will surely press the “Like” button. This means that the user will receive in his news all the information published on the

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Social networks dress up for Christmas

We are at the gates of the parties more familiar, emotional and commercial of the year, cities are dressed with lights and ornaments, but not only physically. If we take a look through the screen of our smartphone , our tablet or our computer, we will see everywhere ads with reference to Christmas , especially in the social networks with

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Have you already named a heir to your Facebook account?

What about the Facebook accounts of people who have died? They become empty accounts, without any movement, or updates. Now in Europe and America you are already in the Facebook account settings choose, the “legacy contact” once you have passed away. This legacy contact can manage the account. But this is only one option that you can choose in the

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Are you already on social media?

In this great advance of the technology and the new means of communication, we can appreciate the ease of contact with other people within the reach of a single click, no matter the distance, no matter the difference of cultures, without the barriers of time. social networking have achieved what previously seemed impossible, which is to connect millions of people

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Why have a Fan Page on Facebook?

Many companies will give you the high on Facebook with a personal profile instead of using a Fan Page, every day you see most companies do so in spite of that, in the terms of use of Facebook is not permitted businesses to use profiles personal: “profiles represent individuals and must be kept under an individual name, while pages allow

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Social network Map 2015

The celebration of the Ibero-American Congress on social networks is approaching and Iredes presents us with a new version of the map of the social networks 2015 This scale graph shows the most popular social networks most popular agreements number of users, generated traffic, etc. This year the novelty is that mail and storage platforms are added, last year the

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SEO is not dead

The social networks have become a vital part of the companies to get known and to reach users more effectively, although many companies make the mistake of thinking that it is the end of the SEO. It’s true that social networks are important, but does that mean that it’s the end of the old positioning tools? Are social networks the

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Reasons to make video marketing in your company

Since social networks have already noticed the powerful influence of the video, gradually left behind the images, now what more look for and share the clients are the videos, therefore companies that do not use this powerful tool of dissemination are losing not only visits, but also the opportunity to achieve success. We provide you with 5 reasons for your

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The video on Facebook

One of the latest trends that are there in Facebook, is that the video that is self-reproducing, very few make use of the image fixed and static, now the moving image is the new goal of many companies working in marketing. According to the figures Facebook offers, more than 75% of users post Video instead of images, making this viral

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Is it useful to use Foursquare for business?

Foursquare is a social network based on geolocation for web and mobile devices. In addition to being a social network it is a game by which you can get points that become badges.   Users indicate where they are (Check-in) and give their opinions about the site. Your Foursquare account should be linked to your Facebook and Twitter account.  

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Is my data protected on social media?

We always advise our customers on how to protect their data as best as possible..although today, if you’re on social media, you know that everything you write, comment or share is analyzed. Facebook analyzes your data, there are numerous companies that are dedicated to making statistics of the tastes, hobbies and interests of users. Since yesterday the hot topic is

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Remember the Digital Marketing campaign that revolutionized Facebook?

We like to see that a Facebook page has many fans, that one of Twitter has many fans but also many tweets. We are used to seeing how companies give things away to those who follow their Fan Page and we are used to giving likes to get promotions. But as we have so many times commented on the number

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The power of corporate image

Achieving leadership in a sector requires much more than a good product and /or service. The first thing is to have a brand that is recognized and identified by consumers. To create a brand we must design a name, an image and values that define it. Once these requirements have been met, it will be necessary to define the strategy

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Social networks most used in Spain

The importance of social networks in the life of the people means that companies also use them to promote their products, brands and provide information to their customers about their offers and new developments. < em>social networks play a very important role in companies, they are powerful marketing tools. large companies have been exploiting this online marketing tool for a long

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Mistakes to avoid on social networks

A very high percentage of the Spanish population admit to being a user of social networks and a large part of companies and businesses have realized that social networks are a great potential to make their products known. Many companies have started to put their profiles on social media, but the most important question is: Are My company’s social media

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The limits of the Google translator in Spanish

Its ability to improve is decreasing and it seeks a revolutionary system to avoid its sound errors The Google translator (Google Translate) is a tool too comfortable as to not use it; although it does not have to be a philologist to detect blunders, inconsistencies, and absurdities, not to speak of the fine thread that gives meaning, tone and emotion

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Keys to get a good web positioning

SEO is a changing science and forces us to always keep up to date, do constant work on our website and make the work as efficient as possible. Nowadays search engines are still the main source of traffic on websites, so all websites should be optimized to achieve greater visibility in search results. It is therefore important to establish a

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Avoid making mistakes in your social media accounts

Small and medium-sized enterprises have a great challenge ahead of them, nowadays it is essential to have accounts on social networks, but it is very important to know how to act correctly on social networks because this will strengthen the image of the company, so we tell you what you should not do. The most common errors committed by SMES

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Clean up reputation on social networks

The potential of social networks is so great that they may be able to discredit a company to a large extent. It is also true that nowadays there is a struggle to obtain a greater number of users and for them calumnies, lies, defamations, or supplants often arise that completely deteriorates the reputation of a company. Eloi Font, a prestigious

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Twitter announces its intention to go public

The popular microblog Network reports in 140 characters its intention to be listed on the US stock market Twitter has filed with the Securities and exchange Commission U.S. (SEC, for its acronym in English) documentation for a Public Offer of Sale (OPV), according to an announcement Thursday by the company itself technological american in a “tweet”, which in this way

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Tips for increasing sales of your online shop on sale

Companies are increasingly aware that “ecommerce” is the key to increased sales. New technologies have evolved so that companies are practically obliged to adapt their businesses. For many users they run out of long queues and some endless ones and the time that is expected when there are discounts. Now, thanks to the rebates that exist on the net, the

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Ten tricks for a company to succeed on social networks

Any business, however small, can take advantage of Twitter or Facebook If the Internet means having a showcase of our business on a global scale, social networks can help us as much. Beyond the number of followers (followers) or fans (the popular ‘I like’) in theTwitter or Facebook, any business, however small, can take advantage of the social networks. Few,

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The return of GIF’s to Facebook

GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format and is a format for images, but animated, by the example of a head moving or any image that has any effect, lights, movement, etc Usually last a few seconds and are repeated constantly. It is an image compression format limited to 256 colors. GIF files use a proprietary data compression algorithm. thanks to

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Addicted to Facebook?

The use of Facebook has become essential for everyone today.  And according to the study of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience shows that brain activity is very connected to what is happening on Facebook.  Specifically in the nucleus accumbens, the “pleasure center” reacts when we receive positive responses with the famous Facebook “like”. According to the study, the more positive responses

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A successful online store

E-commerce is the internet sector that is growing the most in recent years. Having an online store allows you to have your business open to the whole world 24 hours a day, but if you want to succeed and the consumer does not leave your store before the end of the purchase avoid making these mistakes. 1-many times the product

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Google generates 25% of total internet traffic in the US

Data have multiplied by four in the last three years The giant, growing larger. Google is well above other companies when it comes to searching, the job it was born in 1998. In particular, it generates 25% of US internet traffic. According to a study conducted by the company, surveillance of the internet, Deepfield, the company has reached a new

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How to optimize your Facebook profile

Creating a collage with your photos or a printed book about your information published on the social network are some of the possibilities Quickly create a printed book Facebook junkie? If the first thing you do when you start your computer is to get into your social network profile and few things thrill you more than the red flag with

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"The Gift cloud & quot; new online store thanks to Infomeik

In INFOMEIK, our designers and programmers have put their efforts into this project for “gift Cloud” a Valencian company, which opens its doors for families, friends, colleagues and companies to congratulate the new parents, and the Welcome to the little baby who has just arrived, helping to surprise the parents with practical gifts and what matters most, of first quality.

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Your WEB-to-day

It is not enough to have a presence on the internet, it is not enough to update content when you have “something” of time. Maintaining and updating a website is as important as its creation. Maintain the company’s image, have a current design, have up-to-date news, products and services, etc.; everything you do on the internet counts to give a

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New ONLINE STORE for Deals Led

Welcome to a new online store, “SALES LED”. Thanks to the designers and programmers of INFOMEIK, OfertasLED account with an elegant design with a modern and dynamic interface led offers, has a clear objective: to advise and offer your customers a complete range of LED products and accessories of the highest quality and guarantee at the best possible price. led

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New Online Store "PHARMACY MIR"

A new online shop has been opened and is available at: www.farmaciamir.com Thanks to the designers and programmers of INFOMEIK experts in online shops and web design, in FarmaciaMir you can find a wide variety of pharmacy products classified by categories, brands, laboratories. With a main purpose that is to provide products of the highest quality, detailed and rigorous information,

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Web design Microbiology – VALENCIA

Thanks to the designers and programmers of INFOMEIK, Durviz, has renewed the image of its website, with an elegant, novel, modern and intuitive design. Durviz , a company that seeks to be a benchmark in innovation and offer the most modern technologies. A company that has first introduced microarray analysis in our country or the introduction of Solexa technology for

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The boom in e-commerce

It is a fact that in most parts of the world e-commerce is experiencing an impressive boom. In some countries such as Spain, tourism, fashion, leisure, technology, education and food are increasing online sales considerably. According to the e-Commerce report of the Commission of the Telecommunications Market (CMT) of the year 2009 there was a turnover that achieved a amount

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Facebook is updated, have you updated?

It is well known that the most important social network in the world is changing its design, although for some it is a disappointment for others it is an opportunity to improve and generate a change of image. For Facebook, according to Mexico’s CEO Jorge Ruiz Escamilla, Spain is the second most important market, with approximately 42 million users, and

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The Internet is entering a new dimension

At first came the connection problems, then began the boom of e-commerce, later that of blogs and that of the called Web 2.0 with the emergence of social networks and the explosion of mobility almost at once. Today the challenge of the Internet goes beyond technology and applications: it is nothing but sustainable web spaces. The Internet has been an

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Eighteen ridiculous business ideas that ended up being great successes.

Companies like Google, Facebook or Amazon started out as projects that virtually no one was willing to bet on. when it comes to undertaking, it has always been stressed that one of the most important things is to have a good idea that helps turn our business into a success. However, many of the big companies we all know have

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Corporate video Yes or No? Helping my company

Today this tool is essential for a company, because it is one of the best ways to strengthen and enhance the business Image, think that it is an interesting way to reach new customers, and more if we live in a globalized world where multimedia has a great impact power. Many companies make the mistake of thinking that making a

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Tips for using hashtags on Twitter

Before the advice, what is a hashtags? It is simply a keyword phrase, written without spaces and preceded by a pad (#) or a single word instead of several. It is important to know this in order to be able to group all the contents or opinions of different topics, in this way users will be able to find the

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III Map of the social networks of iRedes

A detailed study on social networks and the impact this has had on today’s society has been presented at the Town Hall of Burgos. According to the image they taught, Chiqui Esteban and with the help of Francisco Quirós in documentation. The biggest presence and impact among social networks is Facebook with 1,060 million, followed by Youtube with 800 million,

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Francisco Sierra: “the use of social media is important for achieving greater fan knowledge”;

Francisco Sierra, multimedia content director at Antena 3 has reaffirmed that it is a priority to “have a knowledge of the fans” and to be able to interact with them in a solid manner. According to what he tells us, at least 2,200,000 people have commented through social networks some television program while watching it, hence the importance that should

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iRedes will analyze the utility and future of social networks in its third edition

In Burgos for the third time it is hosting a very important event for the commercial area, and that is that more than 30 professionals in the area are going to meet with the purpose of exposing current issues regarding social networks, social communication, new mobility or the use of social networks for freedom. All these topics will be presented

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Lessons for the internet to save your company

The entrepreneur Rodolfo Carpintier publishes a book that gathers the keys so that new technologies favor the development of SMEs and adapt to the New Times. It takes on the internet even before the appearance of the internet itself. Knowledge is not lacking, intuition and desire to continue working.Rodolfo Carpintier is one of the leading specialists in the use of

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Online Marketing strategies that make your company succeed.

One of the key objectives for achieving success and positioning a company on the internet is to be at the top of Google. To achieve this thanks to online marketing studies, there are tools that are becoming very important because they have a territory with a lot of potential. It is important to know that it is essential to meet

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